pay it forward-- ark-- one Act of Random Kindness--love--friendship--trust--hope--
if we send it on, we could change a lot of lives, maybe one day change the world. with one little action the chain will never stop. we may not be able to see it everyday but it is happening. one person just has to see you help someone else and when they see ya chance they will help someone else and so on and so forth. seeing isn't always believing. you can't see love, hope or even wind, does that mean you don't believe? you may claim in defense yes you can! But you don't, you see the reaction or actions of love or the wind blowing, but you don't see the actual thing.
we don't see a whole lot of homeless people but that doesn't mean we don't have any here. most countries do a good job of hiding it. that's the problem these days, we hide the problem instead of taking the opportunity to try and fix it because it is too much work. it is easier just to hide it all. the easiest way, is not always the best way out. we have just gotten lazy. we all want to make a difference in our lives, but in order to do that we have to strive to do so. we have to do something besides sit on a coach and play video games. we have to work for what we want. we have to earn it. but of course for some of the more wealthy people are less fortunate in my opinion. yes they may get everything they want, but they will never be happy. money can only buy temporary happiness. they don't know how to experience life for themselves, making life a lot harder. when we choose to work, we learn, we earn more and have a better chance for success. living life as close to the fullest as we can.


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