Home to me is my church. it's one great big family. we look out for each other everyday and if we happen to need something they will come running if they can. if things aren't to well at home they are my back up family. my church family has helped me a lot with my family at home. recently we have been having family problems. our mom left about a year ago and the family has just been pulled too many different ways that we all clash. so much fighting and disagreeing with each other gets tiring after a while. we have to understand that we each have a lot on our shoulders you can't just throw away. it gets harder and harder every day;but there is one person that can take that away and a family you can share the burden with. sometimes its weird to share everything with your parents, thats why its so easy to tell our friends everything or somebody in the church or youth groups and more. you always have someone you can turn to because we don't want you to hold it in until you explode. your friends and other families can help you cope with your burdens and worries, your never alone. my home is my church.

I'm glad I'm not a perfect girl and living in an imperfect world. If this world was perfect, Everything would come too easy without curves or bumps. There wouldn't be any challenges to face or any to accomplish. A life with no surprises or mistakes to learn from or opportunities to be taken. No journey to embark on or the adventures in between. Nobody would have a purpose to live for because it is too perfect.
When we make mistakes we learn to avoid them, some way to work around them so it wont happen again. When we face challenges we strive to achieve them. When everyone tells you you can't; you prove them wrong. The challenges we face everyday help us accomplish what we want in life. They help us reach our most important goals and achieve much more than we ever imagined. Being imperfect makes the world that much more exciting. It makes memories we will never forget, friends will miss forever and a life we lived to the fullest. Most importantly it shapes who you are and who you will be. I am proud to say that my life is imperfect. I am imperfect. I have learned a lot and achieved much more. Without the mistakes I've made or the challenges I've faced i wouldn't be who i am today.

i was afraid of freddy courger when i was little inturn making me parnoid in the dark.
i would get the intense feeling that someone was following me. Anytime i would be in the dark i would be sure to have another friend with me or something i can defend my self with, such as a bat. i couldn't walk down stairs without a flashlight in one hand and something to swing in the other. when it came time to go to bed, my arms, legs, hands and all would be covered. If i let it hang off the bed i believe that freddy would grab me. now that i look back i laugh everytime, thinking someone could actually come through walls and floors.so far i have not had anymore nightmares, but have had some crazy dreams.
and i love to watch scary movies as long as you cant tell they are fake and the plot of the story is good. other than that it is also fun to scare the person your sitting by when you think a good scary part is coming up. your nudge them and they scream like crazy, then they get mad at you and start nudging you back. ahh good times.



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