well senior year and we have to turn in our laptops for good. so i wont be able to blog as much anymore. :/ guess I'll have to spend some more time at the library. lol. if it wasn't for my English class, i would not even know what a blog was. at first i wasn't up for it, then the more i blogged the more i liked it. it helped me more than i thought it would. Like now, I am pretty much typing what i am thinking. Blogging actually helps clears my head and helps me focus on things i need to be focused on like school. So if most my posts are rambling on and on, I apologize. so today will be my last blog for quite sometime, or at least until i am near a computer. one thing i can say "i will not miss this computer". i have had it for 4 years and it has been this biggest pain! of course all the schools programs, block and what not, did not help.  They give us an opportunity to buy it for 100 dollars, but it is not worth it to me. besides i am saving up for college and hopefully, eventually get some type of car or truck that will get me from point A to point B. lately i have had to depend on everyone else for a ride to here or there, actually all my life i have and i don't like having to ask for some else to take time out of their day, just to take me some where i have to be. To me it feels selfish, even though they give me a ride because they want to. So i am very very Thankful too everyone who has and everyone who continues to do so. My words cannot thank you enough.
lol see, I went from laptops to blogging to cars and people giving me rides. anyhow until next time , this is clueless-Kriseea signing off :) C ya! " ha that sounds cool" Ok seriously God Bless! :))

The Florida trip was not really a vacation, but i went up there to help my cousin move down to Oboro :). When we first arrived we went to go eat at CiCi's Pizza, which was really good, then we went back to Britt's house and I showed her how to play ERS (Egyptian rat slap, cool card game). it was actually nice to get some time with her. The next morning I helped her pack she went around saying good bye to everybody and it was really hard for Britt to do, but she got through it. With tears still running down our faces, we stopped by Our Pawpa's grave. we had laid a type of stone bench that read " if tears could build a stair way I would walk right up to heaven and bring you back down here again" something like that I can't really remember. I got to thinking and I disagreed.. as much as i would like to see him again, I would not want to bring him back to this world. He is in God's hands now. He has no more pain, no more worries. His lungs are clear and healthy, no more chemo therapy or radiation. Why would I take him away from that?!? From God's arms. That would be selfish too bring him back to this cruel world so I could see him again. I know he is safe in heaven. :) I will just have to wait. anywho just food for thought. don't mean to down the quote, just depends on the viewpoint.

some people think of Scrooge. a mean money craving jerk. all he cares about is making more money for himself. I, myself don't like greedy people, but greedy people helped shape the economy today. the people who have greed for money make it possible for us to buy what we want. in order for the companies to make money they have to meet their costumers standards. then the costumers are satisfied because they got what they wanted for a decent price. when the costumers want something new and different, in order for the company to make more money they continue to make changes and new material so their costumers will keep buying. When that happens everybody is happy. they get more money and we get what we asked for.
In reality everybody is greedy. don't denie it. in some shape or form you are greedy. whether it be taking the last cookie before anybody else has a chance to get it or spending the last dollar on something you want rather than something you need, or donating it to a worthly cause. Most people who are rich earned it and dont give away money because it doesn't bring profit and is only a temporary fix. greed can go both ways. and quite frankly has helped this economy grow.

pay it forward-- ark-- one Act of Random Kindness--love--friendship--trust--hope--
if we send it on, we could change a lot of lives, maybe one day change the world. with one little action the chain will never stop. we may not be able to see it everyday but it is happening. one person just has to see you help someone else and when they see ya chance they will help someone else and so on and so forth. seeing isn't always believing. you can't see love, hope or even wind, does that mean you don't believe? you may claim in defense yes you can! But you don't, you see the reaction or actions of love or the wind blowing, but you don't see the actual thing.
we don't see a whole lot of homeless people but that doesn't mean we don't have any here. most countries do a good job of hiding it. that's the problem these days, we hide the problem instead of taking the opportunity to try and fix it because it is too much work. it is easier just to hide it all. the easiest way, is not always the best way out. we have just gotten lazy. we all want to make a difference in our lives, but in order to do that we have to strive to do so. we have to do something besides sit on a coach and play video games. we have to work for what we want. we have to earn it. but of course for some of the more wealthy people are less fortunate in my opinion. yes they may get everything they want, but they will never be happy. money can only buy temporary happiness. they don't know how to experience life for themselves, making life a lot harder. when we choose to work, we learn, we earn more and have a better chance for success. living life as close to the fullest as we can.



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