I like this quote because it is true in many ways. a lot of people believe that if you can't see it, it's not real. some are afraid to take a step further because they do not no where it will lead them. I believe without seeing, but sometimes i am one of those people who hesitates to step forward because she can't quite see whats ahead. i let myself think of all the possible situations that could happen good and bad. I've learned to pray about it to the good Lord and take that step of faith. i can think of two situations were i have done that. the first was the first time we moved away; which turned out to help us a lot. we where able to get a job and sign up for college classes. the second time was moving back home after moving back out. crazy i know. so far everything has gone smooth, we have our rough spots here and there, but we work it out. plus our brother gets to go to Vacation Bible School :) and he loves it. we haven't been back for too long an things are already showing hope. a renewed hope. i thank God for working in our lives and letting all of our paths cross. your prayers have been highly appreciated and we couldn't have done it without you, thank you. :) by you i mean all of you.

God i know you have plans for me and my family. i have no idea what they are but i know you have plans. our family has been torn in many directions, but i think it will start turning around soon. we are moving back into dads tomorrow and it stinks but it doesn't at the same time. We have been able to live with a great family for a week or two and watching and seeing the love they have not just for their family, but for God as well has been a great experience and with a lot of other families too. to know that our family can become that is a brand new hope. to know that even though we may be broken, God can mend our hearts in his time and in his way. he allows us to go through these trials because it allows us to grow closer to God and become his family. Than we can show others God through our actions not just our words. it will take time make no mistake, but do not lose hope in the process. it took me two years to give my burden to God and I'm glad i didn't wait any longer. my faith and my trust in Him has grown greatly, but i still have a lot to learn. so Lord i know your in this, i believe something good will come out it. please continue to be with dad and Lil man as we move back. i believe in you and in your word. also be with all the wonderful hands that have blessed us. Thank you Lord for everything. in Jesus name amen.

last week i was able to go to Jonathan Creek church camp. i loved it!!!!!! the service was great! you could tell God is doing and going to do great things :). i got to do many activities i haven't done before, for example being on a boat, going tubing. belly flop in a mud pit and go mountain biking. it was all a blast and i want to thank all the youth leaders and the youth and church as a whole for everything. i enjoyed being around a bunch of people who believed in God and not having to be afraid of offending somebody and being able to talk freely about God's word. i was able to give God everything this past week especially a burden i have carried for too long. I know my God is in control and his will will be done. i love my family dearly! more than they know. I'm sure they love me to even though they do not show it very well. we've had some rough spots here and there and in the middle of it now. its been a year or two since my parents divorced, yet it still feels like it was yesterday. we haven't been a close family and it been hard. we have a lot of tension in this family, but I'm trusting God that we can work through it because he knows his plans for me. the devil has been working on us real hard, but we are going to put that devil back in his place. this is our family God's family. hopefully we can reach out to our dad and our little brother to come to church. but only God knows.  thank you all for your prayers and everything you've done to help no matter how big or small. just being here and listening has been a blessing. Thank you Lord for everything you've done and are going to do! not only in my life but everyone else as well.



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