I like this quote because it is true in many ways. a lot of people believe that if you can't see it, it's not real. some are afraid to take a step further because they do not no where it will lead them. I believe without seeing, but sometimes i am one of those people who hesitates to step forward because she can't quite see whats ahead. i let myself think of all the possible situations that could happen good and bad. I've learned to pray about it to the good Lord and take that step of faith. i can think of two situations were i have done that. the first was the first time we moved away; which turned out to help us a lot. we where able to get a job and sign up for college classes. the second time was moving back home after moving back out. crazy i know. so far everything has gone smooth, we have our rough spots here and there, but we work it out. plus our brother gets to go to Vacation Bible School :) and he loves it. we haven't been back for too long an things are already showing hope. a renewed hope. i thank God for working in our lives and letting all of our paths cross. your prayers have been highly appreciated and we couldn't have done it without you, thank you. :) by you i mean all of you.


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