as a freshman it seemed to drag on and on forever. now its flying by and wish it would slow down. i usually goofed off the first couple of years and had the i don't care attitude. come to realize it is not a very good attitude to have because in school everything counts. i paid for my mistakes, i had to stay after school for credit recovery so i could get all my credits for geometry and the next year i also had to retake chemistry for half a year and i am passing with 106. i didn't think i was capable of doing that. but guess what i did because i changed my attitude, payed more attention to the teacher and studied hard. it was not easy let me tell ya. it was a lot of hard work and late nights, but it paid off. that one little change in determination kept me from failing and i will be happily graduating this year!!!
to look back and think that i could have very easily failed to graduate is a big eye opener. I love school but not enough to come back. But i do owe a huge Thank You!!!! to all of my teachers for putting up with me and helping me change my grades around and giving me along with a million other students support. Believer or not they are here to help, not just hand out DM's and tell you what to do. they are here to help you learn and prepare you for college and life outside of school. without an education it is very difficult to go far. more or less get a decent job. school matters and can ultimately decide were you start in reality. you can decide whether school can be fun or it can be a royal pain, you decide. GOOD LUCK UNDERCLASSMAN!!! i really do mean that.



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