Rain to me is peace. When it rains or storms it feels like i have all the time i need to get everything done and relax at the same time. Life slows down so you can sit back and think about your life, how far you've come, the lessons you've learned in between, the good times and bad, also whats to come. It gives you the opportunity to give time to yourself to get yourself back on track if you need to, think about the situations you are in and how to fix it to the best of your ability. To fully evaluate yourself and think about what needs to be done and what you can do without. For most people it makes them want to fall asleep because it is so peaceful or gloomy as people like to call it. yea the sky may seem miserable and gray, but look at it in a different angle. be still and listen to each drop that hits the ground and the waves of thunder that rumble in the back ground. its beautiful. if your lucky enough and not too busy scurrying around to get things done you might have a chance to see the rainbow through it all. always try to look at the bright side, past the gray sky and the black clouds makes everything less miserable and all the big things aren't so big any more. rain whats it to you?



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