Here lately Dad has beem getting picture frames and and placks the have some  really great quotes and verses. a while back we said that this house didn't feel like home or didn't have that homie feel. we didn't have any pictures of all of us on the wall or anything else for that matter. so he printed out some pictures and put then in frames he bought, when i came home i saw the frame and in the middle is had family in big bold capital letters and he had a variety between us. some funny some good and they all show the love he have that i didn't see before. i looked at dad laughed with joy and said that's awesome! it made my day that much brighter. we have a plaque the reads "it's not wanting what you don't have but wanting what you have" it is a good saying because we all want what we don't have, but don't want we do have or there is really no point in having it. we also have one that says a bible verse" As for me in my house, we will serve the Lord" i am very very happy that he bought that, i was surprised. i know that the Lord is with us. He has plans, i knew that before but i didn't want to get my hopes up. which sounds bad because everything works in his way not mine. i need to change my mind set, because God will never let me down. He has shown me that He has never left me, that He hears my cries, my prayers, my heart. He has blessed me with so much! I am grateful! thank you Lord. our home feels like home. i feel like a family. i feel the love i didn't before. :) I'm not broken because of the Lord. thank you!


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